DinosaursRom CD - Demo Object for Lightwave3D A free Lightwave object from Gruppo Iride's DinosaursRom CD Rom ___ In the DinoDemo.zip file you can find a demo scene from Gruppo Iride's DinosaursRom CD, complete with Gallimimus object (in low quality version), brushes (low resolution versions) and walk scene. To install this demo simply unzip the file to your preferred directory (C:\Newtek\Demos\ ...or others) then, in Lightwave, set your content directory to the Lightw directory (in our example the content will be C:\Newtek\Demos\Lightw\ ). Now you can load your demo scene. This is the Demo Object (complete of brushes and walk scene) in the DinoDemo.zip file! Download DinosaursRom Demo Object, Brushes and Scenes now !! 412kb Be sure you read the Docs file before you install the demo Object! Do you want it? Check Lightspeed Catalog (International Orders) or DbLine (Italian orders)